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Online Trademark ™ Renewal Procedure in India

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 27 Nov 2020 Updated On 18 Dec 2021 Category Trademark

When we leave perfectly fine machinery unused for too long, it becomes useless and acts as a liability. Just like that, if we don’t renew our Trademark and it is left idle for a long time it becomes devoid of all its benefits.

A Trademark is a sign, group of letters, slogan, or an image that helps the potential consumers distinguishing between similar brands. If your trademark expires and you fail to renew it, your artistic creation is at risk of theft.

When should we renew our Trademark?

A Trademark is valid for 10 years after the registration is done. You need to renew your TM mark every 10 years to keep owning it.

Documents needed for TM Renewal

  • A copy of the Registration Certificate.
  • Power of Attorney.
  • An ID and address proof of the applicant.
  • Copy of the application submitted for TM Registration

Trademark Renewal Procedure

The Trademark Renewal can be done in two ways-

  • You can apply for a renewal to change any sign or words in the already existing trademark.
  • You can apply without changing your trademark.

First, a renewal application is made in form TM-R. The application can be filed by either the registered owner of the trademark or a Trademark agent authorized by him.

After filing the TM renewal application, you should check the status of your application from time to time until it is processed by the registry. It will be available in the Trademark Journal once it is processed.

The trademark renewal procedure can be daunting for many because it demands attention to every little detail. As an alternative to standing in queue for trademark renewal filing, Online Legal India™ is here to save the day.

Complete Trademark Renewal without hassle

While filing for online trademark renewal through the country’s recommended TM Expert panel, you will be guided with the hands-on digital aid to get your Trademark renewed in no time.

Besides the 360° legal assistance, Online Legal India will provide you the industry-standard trademark designs for your brand as per your preferences.

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