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FSSAI Proposes Red Colour Coding for High Calorie Food

Online Legal India LogoBy Sriparna Dey Published On 23 Jan 2021 Updated On 11 Aug 2021 Category FSSAI

Are you worried about the crisps and cookies your child is devouring? Worry not, FSSAI has a solution!

FSSAI, the regulatory body for the manufacture, sale, and display of all foodstuffs in India propose to teach the Indian customer about healthy and nutritious food choices by displaying colour-coded dots for all packaged food.

  • (FSSAI) has proposed to make it mandatory to display red colour-coding on front-of-the-pack labels on packaged food products that have High-Fat, High-Sugar, And High-Salt Content Levels. (Hfss) 
  • It has also proposed a declaration on the label in case it’s food product has 5 per cent or more of ingredients which are Genetically Engineered (GE) Or Genetically Modified. 
  • Nutritional information such as calories (energy), total fat, trans-fat, total sugar, and salt per serve needs to be displayed on the front of the pack. The food labels will also declare RDA (recommended dietary allowance) on the front of the pack.

How can we help you?

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