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How to Register a Trademark ™ in India?

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 02 Dec 2020 Updated On 11 Jan 2022 Category Trademark

Trademarks are our intellectual property in the form of special and unique signs that are used to identify products of a certain brand. They can be anything ranging from pictures, designs, words, or even expressions.

The importance of a trademark lies in the different styles of each brand. It helps us differentiate between similar products. Trademarks and their rights are therefore protected by the Trademark Act, 1999, of the Indian Govt. to safeguard users from infringement.

Reasons to get your Brand Trademark Registered

  • Brand credibility: A product or service under a registered trademark helps in building up credibility among the consumers. It works as a seal of approval.
  • Legal Protection: Your Trademark provides you with legal protection. It ensures legal steps can be taken by the owner of any fabrication occurs.
  • Unique Identity: A Trademark is intellectual property, hence unique. Your Trademark registered brand carries a distinct identity in the market.
  • Worldwide Validation: A trademark is valid around the world. It doesn’t matter where it originated from.
  • Brand Expansion: If your brand is trademarked, you are more likely to create a customer base of your own around the globe.

Required Documents

  • Applicant’s / Company Name
  • Business Type
  • Business Details
  • Brand/logo/slogan name
  • Office / Business address

Benefits of Trademark

  1. Sole Ownership: The owner is vested with the individual rights to the Trademark. Where the owner can use the same Trademark for every product under the classes applied. 
  2. Assurance & Loyalty: As the product and services are acknowledged by everyone over time. It builds a sense of assurance among the customers in the market. Further, help to generate loyal customers.
  3. Unique Product: As the customers get attached to the brand value so it creates a brand value of its own among the competitors and makes the product more unique.
  4. Acceptance of Product's Quality: As the quality of the product creates an image of them bt their brand name/logo in the market. Therefore, products quality gets acceptance by the customers.
  5. Formation of Quality: While Registration of Trademark gives one absolute ownership as one can assign it, franchised or commercially contracted because it creates a tangible asset which remains beneficial to the organisation.
  6. Application of ® Mark: Once the process of Trademark application is filled owner can use ® mark on your logo stating that the Trademark is registered.
  7. Safeguarding in case of breach: When a logo used without the approval from the owner post-registration. The owner is eligible to get the legal protection and also can prohibit the person/ entity from further usage.
  8. Secured for 10 years: Once your Trademark gets registered and then the renewal process comes every 10 years. Hence, it has very low maintenance.
  9. Worldwide Trademark Registration: Situation when any person would likely to go for expansion outside India. Then the brand value attached to the product and service in India will provide an excellent base overseas.
  10. Positive Reinforcement: During hiring young generation would always desire to join big brands. It builds a positive image upon the potential candidate.

How can  Online Legal India™ help you?

We conduct thorough research for your Trademark availability from the Govt. An authorization letter is prepared from our side in order to file Trademark registration on your behalf. We offer the best services to make sure that our client does not have to face any hassles for Filing a Trademark. We also guide on the classes that you apply under and we are the one to guide you. We will provide assistance regarding form fill up with the Registrar. You will be receiving updates constantly from our side till the registration is completed. We assure you to protect your brand of products or services.

Already gratified with 1,20,000+ satisfied clients from every nook and corner of the country, as we work until your contentment.

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