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File Your PF Return Online on-time to avoid Penalties

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 09 Jan 2021 Updated On 22 Jan 2022 Category EPF

Employees Provident Fund or EPF is the form of financial security for the working professionals after retirement. It is that ideal retirement plan where an employee and his employer share an equal amount of money to the fund.

By the Employers’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (PF Act), regular and timely contribution to the fund is ensured. All employers registered under the EPF scheme are required to file a return both monthly and annually.

Know the Deadlines for EPF Payment and EPF Return

EPF return deadline is the date by which salary is deducted from the employee’s account towards the PF fund. By the 25th of every month, EPF payments are to be paid. If an employer fails to meet this deadline, they will face a few penalties.

Late EPF Payment Penalty

Upon the late payment of EPF, the member is subjected to the following two penalties -

  • Interest for late payment under Section 7Q- An interest of 12% per annum is incurred on the employer if he/she fails to deposit the EPF contribution before the deadline.
  • Penalty for late payment under Section 14B- In case of failure of payment, the following penalties should be imposed-
        a. If delayed by up to 2 months, the rate is 5% interest per annum
        b. If delayed by 2-4 months, the rate is 10% interest per annum.
        c. If delayed by 4-6 months, the interest rate is 15% per annum. 
        d.If delayed by more than 6 months, the interest rate will be 25% per annum.

Though PF Benefits are quite notable, while managing a business, some due dates are inevitably going to go out of your mind. So, it is advisable to hire an accountant to take care of all the financial compliances.

In the digital age, hiring an online accountant is both time-saving and convenient for busybodies.

File your PF Return with Online Legal India

Online Legal India is leading the game as far as Online Accounting is concerned. With PF registration and PF Return Filing, our experts are also going to handle other financial functions.

For any legal, professional & financial assistance in supervising your professional career and financial issues, get in touch with India’s best online accounting platform now!


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Anjali Malhotra


Anjali Malhotra
