How To Register a One Person Company in India?

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By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  10 Jul 2021

Updated On  23 Oct 2021

Category  One Person Company Registration

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in India, an One Person Company or OPC is the recommended type of Company Registration for its beneficial compliances and easier registration procedure. Read the expert column here to know more.

10 Best Govt Schemes To Support Startups In India That Every Entrepreneur Should Know

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By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  21 Jun 2021

Updated On  23 Oct 2021

Category  Start Business

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Startup is defined as a firm that was started in India less than ten years ago and produces annual sales of less than Rs 100 million.

How to Register as a Transporter?

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By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  14 Jun 2021

Updated On  23 Oct 2021

Category  GST E-Way Bill

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According to the GST Act, every owner or operator of a warehouse, go down, or other site used for goods storage, as well as every transporter, must keep records of the consignor, consignee, and other necessary data of the items kept or carried. It applies whether the individual has registered for GST.

Displaying FSSAI License Number made Mandatory from October 1 on all Invoices/Bills for any Food related Businesses, Enterprises.

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  12 Jun 2021

Updated On  27 Oct 2021

Category  FSSAI Registration & License

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Beginning in October, restaurants must include their FSSAI licence number on their invoices.

How to start a Parcel Delivery business?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  11 Jun 2021

Updated On  23 Oct 2021

Category  Start Buisness

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Take sound judgments and stick to a well-executed offline and digital marketing plan to achieve outbound growth and a dominant position in the delivery company ecosystem.