What role does RTI play in Public Private Partnerships?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  11 Nov 2021

Category  RTI

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This blog helps understand the functioning of the PPP companies and how pity benefits both the parties. It deals with the question of transparency in terms of PPP companies under the RTI Act. It helps understand the implications of RTI on the functioning of the PPP companies.

How has Trademark Bullying impacted businesses?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  11 Nov 2021

Category  Trademark

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This blog helps understand the concept of Trademark Bullying and how it has impacted businesses around the world. It helps understand how big companies take advantage of law to strangle small businesses to maintain dominance on the market.

Why do Nidhi companies need Government Intervention?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  10 Nov 2021

Category  Nidhi Company Registration

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This blog helps understand the concept of Nidhi companies and the importance it holds in society. It shows the functioning of Nidhi companies and the necessary requirements to run such a company.

How to prevent Double Taxation?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  10 Nov 2021

Category  Income Tax Act

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This blog helps understand the concept of Double Taxation and one’s tax obligations. It helps understand the ways in which the problem can be tackled and the measures taken by the government against it.

Do book titles come under Trademark or Copyright?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  09 Nov 2021

Updated On  16 Nov 2021

Category  Trademark

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This blog helps understand the concept of trademarking and copyright in terms of literary titles. It helps understand how literary titles can be protected under the provisions of the law.