Guide on Intellectual Property Rights

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By  Noikata

Published on  29 Dec 2020

Updated On  15 Feb 2021

Category  Intellectual Property Rights

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Intellectual property is basically the creations produced out of human intellect. From artistic works like music to writing, from scientific discoveries to nonscientific inventions – all the creations fall under the criteria of intellectual property.

File Consumer Complaint against Airlines in India

Online Legal India Logo

By  Noikata

Published on  02 Aug 2020

Updated On  24 Feb 2021

Category  Consumer Complaint

50 Comment

The invention of aviation or air transport has brought a revolutionary change in the world of transportation.

Different types of Trademark Examples in India

Online Legal India Logo

By  Noikata

Published on  02 Aug 2020

Updated On  18 Feb 2021

Category  Trademark

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Trademark is basically a word, phrase or symbol that represents a company and product. It differentiates the products and services of a particular organization from the products and services provided by its competitors. You can register trademarks to protect the rights of their creations, also called Intellectual Property Rights.

Get Legal Advice on Property Dispute by Property Lawyers

Online Legal India Logo

By  Noikata

Published on  09 Dec 2020

Updated On  24 Feb 2021

Category  Legal

22 Comment

Disputes pertaining to Property is a very common incident in India. Disputes regarding property generally arise through claims from legal heirs, co-owners, disputes over easement rights, wrong representation by the seller, improper description of the property in the title deed, etc. Disputes may also arise where a property is acquired either through a gift or under a will.

Know all about Trademark

Online Legal India Logo

By  Noikata

Published on  05 Nov 2020

Updated On  18 Feb 2021

Category  Trademark

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A trademark is usually a word, phrase or symbol which indicates a particular product and distinguishes it from other products of its criteria. A trademark actually means that a specific product belongs to a specific company and exclusively recognizes the ownership of the company on the brand. Just like trademark, a service mark differentiates the source of a service. The term ‘Trademark’ usually refers to both trademarks and service marks. It is considered as a form of intellectual property.