How to Check the Trademark Application Status in India?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ashish Mishra

Published on  23 Jun 2022

Category  Trademark Registration

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It is always a good decision to keep checking the status of your trademark because there are certain situations when the applicant may have to act upon the same to ensure the trademark gets registered as soon as possible

Trademark Class 35: What Does It Include?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ashish Mishra

Published on  17 Jun 2022

Category  Trademark Registration

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Trademarks must be applied or registered under classes and each class represents a distinct class of goods or services. In this blog, we comprehensively cover the services which fall under Class 35 of trademark classification.

How Do I Make a Consumer Complaint Against Amazon?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ashish Mishra

Published on  17 Jun 2022

Updated On  20 Jun 2022

Category  Consumer Complaint

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Did you know that you can file a consumer complaint against e-commerce websites like Amazon online? If you receive any faulty goods you can raise your voice for your right with the help of Online Legal India.

Trademark Registered in India - If Applicable All Over the World?

Online Legal India Logo

By  Ashish Mishra

Published on  17 Jun 2022

Updated On  22 Jun 2022

Category  Trademark Registration

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As trademarks are granted on a geographic basis, a trademark registered in India is not valid globally. Basically, you would have to file a separate trademark application in each country where you want your trademark to be protected.