Food Safety License for Bakery Products

Importance of FSSAI Act in Bakeries

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 20 Oct 2021 Updated On 27 Oct 2021 Category FSSAI

The bakery is emerging as one of the fast-growing sectors in the food industry. It comprises products ranging from cake, biscuit, bread etc. Growing at a fast pace and it is 2nd ranked behind the USA in the bakery market for biscuits and bread. This has made it necessary for the emergence of a Food Safety License for Bakery Products. Around 2000 organized and semi-organized bakeries as well as around a million unorganized bakeries produce huge amounts of products. The bakery industry garnered revenue of around 7.6 billion in 2015.

What is FSSAI Act?

FSSAI act is a set of laws formulated for testing science-based methods for quality check of the food produced for human consumption. It regulates the entire process of production, storage, distribution, and sale of the product. It also looks after issues related to consumer complaints that arise due to food-related products.

How can FSSAI Act contribute to bakeries?

FSSAI Act has made it mandatory for all food related businesses to get a food license for selling their products. The Act has benefited a lot of people who have their food business in one such sector is Bakery. It has allowed for the FSSAI to control and supervise the entire process and quality check for the product. Thi will not only help the quality of the product but also help in spreading awareness about the product. FSSAI Regulation for bread, cakes, biscuits tch has made it easy for the public to get better products without any compromise.

What are the rules for FSSAI Act?

FSSAI has a certain set of rules that needs to be adhered to when running a food business. There are rules that determine the ways of production, storage, packaging, sale etc. There are certain guidelines regarding the location of the business and the space that it will run in. There are also guidelines for the ways that the product will be handled by the seller. There are various other rules that come under the compliance of the FSSAI to provide the Food Safety License for flour based foods. It helps in the proper functioning of the business as issues arising from the food business are handled by the FSSAI.


There is a huge demand for bakery related products in the market. This has led to the rise in the number of bakeries all around the world. The demand for cakes has taken a huge leap. Each and every event nowadays needs a cake and thus the need for supervision of the product has also increased. When there is a huge demand three is going to be an increase in supply. This increase in supply will need supervision and then comes the roles of FSSAI.

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