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Copyright Laws on Published Editions

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 23 Dec 2020 Updated On 15 Jan 2022 Category Copyright

This article quite broadly speaks about the intellectual property law in Published Editions. Publishers are creators, acquirers, custodians, and managers – owners and users – of intellectual property rights. They possess certain rights in the books they produce and sell, and they hold other rights on behalf of third parties. Therefore, they have a professional interest in exploiting these rights to the best advantage of their authors as well as themselves.

What is a Published Edition?

Copyright for published edition purposes the whole or any part of a literary, dramatic or musical work. It relates to the design of the work – its style, composition, layout and general format and appearance. A newspaper and magazine will constitute a published edition.

What Copyright rules applied on Published Editions?

The typographical arrangement of a published edition is protected by copyright under the Copyright Act,1976 provided that certain criteria are met. Where the rules apply if an individual wants to reproduce the whole or a substantial part of the work.

For example, a newspaper constitutes a published edition, the individual articles in the newspaper may be protected by copyright separately as literary works.



Registration Process: Copyright for Published Editions

  1. Discuss a copyright expert: about the category of Copyright registration.
  2. Filling the Application
  3. Examination of application: it is scrutinized by an examiner of authority.
  4. In case of an objection: filed the authorities send out letters to the concerned parties.
  5. Registration: Once everything is cleared from the side of registrar's end the applicant received and owner of that copyright can legally exercise all rights of copyright.
  6. Required information for the registration of copyright
  • Personal Information:- Name, address, and nationality of the applicant. Nature of the applicant whether he is owner and representative of that particular application.
  • Nature of work:- Class & description, the title of the work. The language of the work should be mention in the application.
  • Date of Publication:- If the possible date of publication in interval magazines should be mention.

How can we help you?

As a Publisher, you must be struggling to protect your rights to avoid all the problems involved in cases of infringement. Sign up with Online Legal India™ to be Copyright Holder. So, nobody can steal your works of publications.

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