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All about Floriculture Industry

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 21 Jan 2021 Updated On 06 Nov 2021 Category APEDA

In layman’s language Floriculture is flower farming.  Floriculture industry is making huge advancement in generating capital for India due to its infrastructure reframe. After liberalization floriculture industry has taken giant steps in the export business. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, better known as APEDA is working tirelessly in exporting flowers and ornamental plants as part of their Scheduled Products.

Floriculture under APEDA

India is blessed with so many varieties of agro-climatic zones that they prove to be exemplary for the cultivation of sensitive and delicate flowers and plants. Indian floriculture industry consists of flowers such as Rose, Tuberose, Glads, Anthurium, Carnations, Marigold and various ornamental plants as well.

How to start the Flower Export?

Indian floriculture business is escalating every day and more people are getting interested in the business every day. To start exporting, a few mandated licenses are required as per the Govt. norms.

  • APEDA Registration: To export flower, the exporter is mandated to acquire an APEDA license. It is like a stamp of approval from the Govt. regarding your product.
  • Import Export Code: Import Export Code or IEC is a 10 digit key business identification number that is essential to International Trading. Your IEC is also needed while filing for Registration cum Membership Certificate under APEDA.

APEDA membership works as a trump card for new exporters in the international market. But to really understand the industry it is necessary to learn how to properly navigate. Expert guidance from the dedicated team at Online Legal India can be your navigator in the vast export arena.

How can we help you?

From filing for a GST registration to generating Import Export Code for Import and Export, you can get all of these done at Online Legal India without any hassle. Our skilled IEC experts are going to guide you according to your business needs and generate multiple licenses for you to propel your pursuit.

Apart from getting registered with IEC, any business personnel must also register with GSTTAX and CompliancesAccountingTrademark Registration, or creative assistance in Logo Designing and Import Export Code registration to step a foot forward in the Foreign market. To deliver you 360° digital assistance for your business incorporation, our legal concierge will work round the clock. 

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Anjali Malhotra


Anjali Malhotra
