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How to register for Copyright in India?

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 07 Jan 2021 Updated On 22 Jan 2022 Category Copyright

What is Copyright?

Copyright is the exclusive rights of an original work of art vested on the creator of that work. When you copyright your creation, it is protected by law from unauthorized reproduction or misuse. Literature, music, art, sound recording, architectural works can be copyrighted. The rights holder of a certain intellectual property can reproduce, distribute, adapt and derive the matter. With a Copyright registration, you are safeguarded from Copyright Violations. The replicator will be subjected to Copyright Penalties if they steal a registered Intellectual Property.

Benefits of Copyright Registration

  • Legal Protection
  • Branding or Goodwill
  • After The Creators Death
  • Prima Facie Evidence
  • Owner publicity
  • Restricts Unauthorized Reproduction
  • Creation of Asset
  • Public Record
  • Copyright helps in establishing credibility in Market
  • Global Protection

Required Documents

  • Name, Address & Nationality of the Candidate – ID proof
  • NOC from the publisher if work published and publisher is different from the applicant.
  • Search Certificate from Trade Mark Office (TM -60) if any
  • NOC from a person whose photograph appears on the work.
  • Power of Attorney
  • 2 Copies of work
  • KYC of author
  • DD/IPO of Rs. per work ((as applicable)
  • NOC from the author if the candidate is different from the author.

Procedure of Registration

  • To register before the Copyright Act,1961 some basic details of the creator like Name, Address & Nationality are mandatory.
  • The candidate must sign the power of attorney rightfully if you are registering copyright through any advocate or legal firm.
  • A candidate registering for copyright should put forward his/her work in a soft copy format in JPEG, JPG, or GIF format. Copyright registration for computer programs, database requires 4 CDs or DVDs of that particular computer programs.
  • For submitting copyright registration on any sort of artistic work, the applicant must get a clear copyright search certificate from the trademark office on a prior basis.

Our world, more than ever, is so prone to the internet now that it is really hard to imagine life without it. Just as fast connectivity has its advantages, the disadvantages can not be overlooked. And guess what; the crimes related to copyright infringement are escalating as each second passes. So it is better to be safe than sorry. Get your work copyright protected now with the help of efficient experts and be free of the impending violation.

How can we help you?

Our world, more than ever, is so prone to the internet now that it is really hard to imagine life without it. Just as fast connectivity has its benefits can not be overlooked. the crimes related to Copyright Infringement are escalating as each second passes. So it is better to be safe than sorry. Get your work copyright protected now with the help of efficient experts and be free of the impending violation.

So as you can see how we discussed very briefly above the process it is very easy to get a copyright on your work but if done offline it is time-dependent. Online Legal India™ copyright expert team will assist you throughout your Copyright Registration process.

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