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How to File Complaint Against Postal Life Insurance

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 19 Nov 2020 Updated On 08 Jan 2022 Category Consumer Complaint

Postal Life Insurance (PLI) under Indian Postal Service provides life insurance covers and it is the oldest life insurer in India.

 It now covers employees of Central and State Governments, Educational Institutions, Banks, Universities and Credit Cooperative Societies etc.

Every service comes with both good and bad sides. There are several complaints reported against PLI on daily basis.

That’s why one should know the procedure of filing a legal complaint against PLI.

Common Grounds of Complaints against PLI:

  • PLI Policy Receipt Pending
  • PLI Premium deducted twice
  • Premium deducted but not reflected on Payment Page
  • Policy related information not found after Log in
  • Non Credit of PLI Policy

Where to lodge a formal complaint?

If you have faced any of the above issue, you can send a formal complaint addressed to the Chief General Manager, Directorate of Postal Life Insurance.

This process takes time to resolve your issue since there are already a number of pending cases on their forum.

Thus, it is recommended to move ahead with a consumer complaint for a quicker solution. Lodging consumer complaint physically takes your time, money and physical effort which is of no use.

Complaint against Postal Life Insurance online

That’s why it is recommended to file a complaint online at India’s most trusted consumer rights protection forum, Online Legal India™ which provides professional guidance from a panel of expert advocates at nominal charges.

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