Private Company Registration Fees in India

Detailed Fees for Private Limited Company registration in India

Online Legal India LogoBy Ashish Mishra Published On 07 Jun 2022 Category Private Limited Company Registration

A company is a legal entity founded by a group of people to engage in and operate a commercial or industrial business operation. The business line of a company is determined by its form, which can range from a partnership to a sole proprietorship to a corporation. There are many kinds of companies available in India. All the businesses that are registered in India through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) are recognised as companies.


What are the types of companies available in India? 


There are mainly 6 types of company available in India, they are mentioned below:


  • Public Limited Company - A public Limited Company is one whose ownership is distributed to the general public through the free trade of stock shares over-the-counter at markets or on exchanges, which are under either the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) or National Stock Exchange (NSE).


  • Private Limited Company - A limited liability corporation, or LTD, is a sort of privately owned small business. This type of company structure bans shareholders from openly exchanging their shares, limits owner responsibility to their shares, and limits the number of shareholders to 50.


  • Partnership firm - Individuals who have formed a business partnership with one another are referred to as "Partners," and a "Partnership Firm" is referred to collectively.


  • One Person Company - In contrast to the conventional practice of having at least two members, an individual company (OPC) is defined as a corporation with only one member (one). It is a recognition of a one-man economic organisation that helps small enterprises and service providers break into the industry by expanding their options through company ownership


  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - A corporate business vehicle that enables professional competence and entrepreneurial initiative to merge and function in a flexible, innovative, and efficient manner, giving limited liability benefits while allowing members to organise their internal structure as a partnership.

We will now discuss the cost and fees for Registering a Private Limited Company


Cost of Private Limited Company Corporation

The Cost of Incorporation of a Pvt Ltd Company would vary from Rs 6,000/- to Rs 30,000/- depending upon the No. of Directors, No. of members, authorised share capital and Professional fees. It may depend upon the complexity of the task.


Other costs for registering a Private Limited Company

There are different kinds of business forms and businesses and services in India. Irrespective of type of business organisation, each one of them requires some Government registrations. For E.g, GST registration,VAT registration If you are in the Import Export business then you must opt for IEC registrations, If you are in some kind of profession then Professional Tax registration, EPF registration, For small and medium Company then MSME registration etc. are required. 


Different kinds of registration have different costs including professional charges including government fees. The registrations may start from INR 1500/- and reach up to INR 15000/- that would depend on the complexity of tasks, State Taxes etc.

Additional fees for delaying in filling the forms

Periods of delays

Fees charged for delay in filing forms

Higher additional fees for delay in filings

Up-to 15 days delay (sections 139 and 157)

one time of normal filing fees


More than 15 days but less than or equals to 30 days (section 157, and 139). For the remaining forms till 30 days

2 x normal filing fees

3 x normal filing fees

More than 30 days but less than or equals to 60 days

4 x normal filing fees in delay of filing a form

6 x normal filing fees in delay of filing a form

More than 60 days but less than or equals to 90 days

4 x normal filing fees in delay of filing a form

6 x normal filing fees in delay of filing a form

If the delay is more than 60 days to 90 days

fees charged is 6 x normal filing fees

fees charged is 9 x normal filing fees

More than 90 days, but less than or equals to 180 days

10 x normal filing fees

15 x normal filing fees

If the delay period is more than 180 days

fees charged is 12 x normal filing fees

fees charged is 18 x normal filing fees


The fees of registering a Private limited company varies from different service providers depending upon certain factors, like no. of directors, authorised share capital, etc. We would love to recommend you to go with Online Legal India as they are one of the most trusted platforms in this field. Online Legal India’s experts had catered to a lot of clients till now. Most of the customers are happy with the service they got from Online Legal India. 




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