Trademark Renewal and its Benefits

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By  Sriparna Dey

Published on  28 Nov 2020

Updated On  11 Aug 2021

Category  Trademark

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Trademark is seen as one of the most important business appliances in the modern marketplace. The validity of a Trademark ™ is 10 years and afterward, the Legal Owner is required to apply for a Renewal of the existing TM Mark.

Ways to Avoid a Trademark Objection regarding a Logo

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By  Ankar Kapuria

Published on  30 Nov 2020

Updated On  30 Dec 2021

Category  Trademark

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Facing troubles regarding Trademark Objection in your designed Logo? Follow the guidance of the Trademark Expert here to Solve the issue with ease.

Trademark Registration Process in India

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By  Sriparna Dey

Published on  07 Nov 2020

Updated On  24 Jul 2021

Category  Trademark

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Trademark is a unique and modern business appliance that helps in placing a Brand in the desired position within a marketplace.

How to Deal with Trademark Hearing in India?

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By  Sriparna Dey

Published on  28 Nov 2020

Updated On  26 Jul 2021

Category  Trademark

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Trademark Hearing is a complicated and prolonged Legal Issue that needed to be solved with Expert Guidance. Know more about the TM Hearing from the Expert Column from India's recommended specialized Trademark Panel.

Benefits of having a Trademark for your Brand

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By  Sriparna Dey

Published on  05 Nov 2020

Updated On  21 Jul 2021

Category  Trademark

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Want to know how Trademark ™ helps in Your Business? Follow the Expert's Column here and Ask your Queries to the Country's Recommended TM Specialist panel.