Public Limited Company Registration Process

Annual Compliance for Public Limited Company (PLC)

Online Legal India LogoBy Pranab Published On 01 Mar 2021 Updated On 06 Oct 2021 Category Public Limited Company Registration

A Public Limited Company is a business structure that offers shares to the general public and has Limited Liability with a minimum of 3 Directors and a minimum of 7 members.

The Public Limited Companies are bounded to follow the annual and periodic compliances. A Public Limited Company has to pay hefty fines and penalties in case of non- Compliance.  

If you are willing to know more about the Annual Compliance to Incorporate a Public Limited Company then keep reading. 

Annual Compliance for Public Limited Company 

Following are annual compliance of a Public Limited Company:

  1. Annual Return in Form MGT-7 regarding the latest information about the directors and shareholders of the public limited company
  2. Financial Statements in Form AOC-4 to be filed with the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Directors' Report, Cash Flow Statement, Auditor's Report, and the Consolidated Financial Statement
  3. Declaration of Commencement of Business
  4.  Income Tax Returns
  5. Hold Annual Meeting
  6. Appointment of the Auditor
  7. Secretarial Audit Report in Form MR-3
  8. Annual Compliances under all Rules and Regulations associated with SEBI
  9.  Form MGT-14 for Adoption of Financials and Director's Report
  10.  Form MGT-15 regarding an exclusive report on the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company.

What are the forms required to be filed for Annual Compliances?

Form MGT-7: Public Limited Company shall file its Annual Return within 60 days from the date of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Form AOC-4: Public Limited Company shall file its Balance Sheet together with a statement of Profit and Loss Account and Director Report within 30 days from the date of holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM).

What is the due date to file forms?

On or before 30th April of immediate next Financial Year.

How can we help you?

These compliances can be made online you can file your application online on the official website of Online Legal India™. Our expert team of highly qualified CA/CS and 10+ years of experienced lawyers would assist you to comply with the legal filings of Public Limited Company. We have budgeted services for those who are willing to venture into a company, business or any other kind of organization. 


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