Trademark for amazon seller

How has Amazon Helped Trademark sellers?

Online Legal India LogoBy Ankar Kapuria Published On 01 Nov 2021 Updated On 03 Nov 2021 Category Trademark

Online shopping is emerging as the new destination for people wanting to find genuine and good products without going out of the house. The platforms like Amazon have helped people get good products from a range of options and get them home delivered. They have easier accessibility and cater to the convenience of the customers. Thus having Trademark for Amazon seller’s  products help in the development of a brand in the world of shopping where things can easily be copied and sold for cheaper price.

Who are Amazon Sellers?

Amazon is one of the largest online showing platforms that has developed to be the alpha among digital shopping. One can not miss out the presence of amazon based on the ranges of products it has to offer to its customers. Amazon Sellers are people who have their products listed on the site for selling them on the digital platform. There are various factors that need to be considered to be able to sell one's products on amazon. Amazon sellers are registered sellers with a trademark for their product provided by amazon for a safer transaction on the platform. 

How does Trademark work for Amazon?

Trademarking an action taken for the protection of the goods and services offered in the name of the company. Just like how trademark works Amazon Intellectual Property policy  requires a seller to have their own set of trademarked products so that it can be sold exclusively in the proper name.

 The way trademarking works on Amazon is that when a brand does not have their trademark amazon provides them with its own trademark name under their brand name so that there can be no issue of duplicacy. This is done through the IP accelerator programme. Amazon Brand Registry India has worked with the Indian sellers to try and ease their trademarking problems. Having a trademark on amazon means that your products are sold by Amazon under your name. 

How does Amazon benefit from Trademarking other products?

Amazon is the largest digital platform for shopping anything and everything. There is a wide range of products that are available on amazon and each has their own price range. One can get the most expensive watch while also getting the cheapest ones too. Thus having more and more products will ultimately help Amazon at the end of the day. Having more variety of products will mean more and more people will search for the product and thus will end up buying more products. Thus if Amazon provides the trademark facility to small sellers then a lot more sellers will be able to sell their product without worrying about the trademark facility which forms an integral part of the business setup. It provides a sense of relief to the seller so that they can sell more products and not have to think of the trademarking as Amazon is taking great effort to help them handle that issue for the sellers.

How does the process of filing the trademark for sellers benefit sellers?

The process of filing a trademark by the seller takes a lot of time and effort. When a person is given the option of having taken care of the trademarking. One has to only think of selling the product. One then gets much more relaxed than what they could have been if they had to take care of everything. The way the seller benefits from the entire process is huge. They not only get rid of the tension of having a huge matter such as a trademark to handle. They also get to focus on the production aspect of it. Through the help of IP Accelerator Amazon has been able to help a lot of seller's gain the trademark of their products. 


The impact of amazon on the market is huge. With the recent development in the trademarking it has made its position stronger. WIth the help of the IP Accelerator it has enabled the expansion of the market size and the number of products available. With the availability of the trademark it has become easy for the sellers to sell their products without fearing of duplicacy.

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